Technology is not just another tool, but the combination of factors, capacities and skills that support the success of companies. Technology today is considered capital, not an asset.” Maximage – DQM Software
Current #technology has challenged many myths that were held in terms of connectivity, communications and even its massive use. All this has happened at a dizzying speed, which years ago would have seemed like a supernatural tale.
That is why today it is incredible to a certain extent, telling stories of companies that more than twenty years ago opted for a digital transformation, when not even the market, colleagues, and even their own staff understood what "#digitaltransformation ” meant, and how impactful it would be even in anyone's everyday life.
This is how Maximage Data Systems (1995) was born more than twenty-five years ago, who wanted technology not to be just another tool, but rather the combination of factors, capabilities and skills that support the success of any company.
Since its first years of operation and given the quality of its technological solutions applied to the market, very important alliances are achieved with world-class companies dedicated to scanning and digitizing files; managing to generate very robust technological solutions, which captivate the market of the Mexican financial sector, being pioneers in digitalization in our country in said sector.
As the years passed, the digitization service was generated in both private and state sectors, becoming the leader in the development of innovative, efficient and reliable solutions in the Mexican market. It is in 2018, when Maximage Data Systems crosses the borders and reaches the Canadian market as DQM Software.
The range of Maximage-DQM Software services grows, with cutting-edge technological solutions focused on effective #data management and #security in #informationmanagement, through the use of #biometrics.
Specialized certifications guarantee the experience of a company that is passionate about the development of innovative technologies to serve its clients, allowing it to offer effective solutions in price, time, and quality for any business need.